Learn You a Game Jam - Day 7

Excited, but there is still much to do.  Got the colliders working correctly, although there is no inner core as of now. The easiest way to implement what I want is a bit compromised as it forces the Friendly Core to block Friendly Bodies rather than another Core, but its still means that Friendlies can pile up on each other more than Foes can pile up on them, so I'm OK and it can be fine tuned.  But I'm not even going to implement it yet.

Next thing is to get an empty handed Guildie up and running.  The initial behavior should be simple enough, if there are available items, go pick up the closest one, if not go to the Guildie rally point behind the main tank and dog pile.  There will be opportunity to get more complicated behavior soon enough, but this will get us functional.

The Rally Point feature is one I want to refine ASAP, but I can keep the dog pile for now.  One we get them rallying we need to create a new Item because they need something to pick, and that means something to turn into... a new TYPE!

The two Types I used for my initial test on day one (seems like a month ago) were Priest and Archer, and we will start with these two.

First Priest.  This should be fairly easy to code, but it requires us to also start the CharacterList in the (still unused) GameManager. The Priest will then make a copy of this list, but with relative information to him.  Once we have this we just have the Priest go the their rally point until they see an injured Friend on their list, then the closest Priest (s) will claim it and move to heal it if necessary.  Shouldn't be too difficult now that I know where all the major connecting node should be from now on.

Then Archer. I want to have an animated arrow flying, so I need to figure out that, but I know that's something I can look up if I get stuck.

With the holy Trinity of Tank, Heal, DPS,.  The Guildie acts as a unit of inventory space (they can hold but not use an item, but I might now be implementing that for this Jam), meta HP, and "functional" character stock to make Items actually work and turn them into a Priest or whatever.

Then work on an enemy or two, then get the control and UI and levels going. Belt scroller is going to help here, as its mostly just background.  Not much different than my grasslands map.  Then flesh out the gameplay and character roster as much as possible.


Get Guildies

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