Learn You a Game Jam - Published!

I'm about an hour away from the deadline, and I got MOSTLY there.  I feel short of a few polishes and NOT mandatories that I would have liked, and in particular I don't like how I left the end.  There were a few quick solutions that I tried, but it was 2AM by this time, I needed to tie it off and publish.

All in all I'm so proud of how much I accomplished.  This was HARD but the next one will be easier.  I was supposed to be using this as a warm up to the GMTK Jam, but damn I don't know if I have another one in me that soon.  I'm OLD!

Loved the experience, and I am looking forward to CASUALLY tinkering with Guildies now.  I built the core of a game that I always wanted, and its ready for me to make it great.

Structurally, the thing is a damned mess.  So many things I would do differently, mostly I would separate the code out more, as most of the heavy lifting is done by the Type script for each Guildie.  This works, but I should be using nodes more to keep nodes componentized and reusable.  Whenever I made a change that all the Types needed, I had to make it to ALL of them individually.

For instance, putting the Lottery and personal list pulls on the Character instead of the Type makes more sense, but that's not how I initially built it, so this is how it is.

Just going through and cleaning it up will take some time, but I have all the time in the world now!

Thanks Captain Coder and the Learn You A Game Jam team!  Had a blast and I am excited to see the other entrants!

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