Learn You a Game Jam - Day 14: Final Day!

I'm not going to be logging much, but here is what is left to do:

Finish the "game script" with the director controlling the flow of the game from one event to another from "press start" to "we did it!" or "oops, you died".  I have it controlling some events and music cues already, but I need to finish all of them.

UI - Press any key to start title screen with instructions.  Pause screen on start or ESC with UI options (at least visible items and "current action" aka lottery ticket) probably sound sliders and Quit / Restart.  End of game message with Restart / Quit.  Score of Slimes/Guildies killed and abandoned at end time permitting.

Possibly a "nudge away from the tank" on the Guildies at all times to keep them from crowding him to death.  especially at the bottom of the screen.  Possible, might have to live with it... they just LOVE their Main Tank SOOOOOOO much.

Map - need to finish the town section, adding some generators to doors and the plaza/boss area.  Got some tileing to do!

Any unplaced sounds or music - like there is no Slime sounds or any death noises from your guildies.

Boss ability - not 100% necessary, but I'd like to implement at least 1 special ability in the boss fight.

Endgame - part of the UI / Game Script, but I'd like to make sure its polished as much as possible.  Its the last thing they will see, so I want it to be worth while.

That's IT!  I got to publish, but I can do that pretty quickly.  Give a little time for emergencies, and I got this!

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