Learn You a Game Jam - First Day!

First jam, first day!  Theme is


I'm not going to over complicate things, I'm pretty far out of my comfort zone already.  I have played around with Godot for a while , but only really got to a point where I could feel comfortable doing a jam with the Brackeys tutorial.  Getting good at adding features to this simple game has given me a great confidence boost and... I'm READY!

The theme is pretty open if purposefully limiting.  Some thing like a puzzler where you have to ferry items, or a guessing game where you guess what the person is holding based on clues or process of elimination could be interesting.

But I want to try a game loop I've been thinking about, and its perfect for this.  Basically you are the Guild Leader and Main Tank of an adventuring guild.  You start alone and gain recruits by defeating enemies.  These recruits then take on both combat and non-combat rolls in the guild.  At first you focus on combat to make sure you  can impress more recruits, but as your army increases and your foes gain strength you need more specialized jobs filled.

The 1 Inventory Slot is something I actually thought about to keep things simple and to facilitate the need for many types of characters in a raid.  The character is just a stat sheet and detectors - no abilities on their own.  The item itself will determine what these stats / detections mean and what  actions are available to the character.  Some stats will naturally be good for some items/roles, but technically anyone can use any item.

You don't have a lot of direct control over your Guildies outside of giving them an item and assigning them a  job either as part of your main party, a farming party, at the guild house, or one of the profession training facilities you discover.   You can give them context sensitive orders and even some direction action, but they will typically act on their own based on the item they have, their stats, where they were assigned, and the game state.

There is a lot there, and I don't realistically think I can make a robust system of items and behaviors in two weeks a with little experience.

I can focus on a large party combat system where your guildies follow you around.  If they see an enemy they will attack it / avoid it depending on their role (and orders), or if they are a support role they will be looking for opportunities to use their abilities (like damaged allies for healers).

Top down, 2D.  Pixel Art, I will be using assets from https://zerie.itch.io/tiny-rpg-character-asset-pack to start with, and I  will likely use this as a base for the characters although I'm sure I will need to modify them to get what I need.   Sounds from https://freesound.org/ because I love the interface and selection.  I'm pretty over my head already, I don't think I can manage if I'm doing my assets from scratch as well.  We will see if I make significant progress, but I really want to get the underlying game structure and code right as my focus, and to get it to a presentable state game play wise.

Getting started I want to:

1) Create a Main Tank character.  For right now, all enemies will attack only the MT, but I want to implement a threat system.  Movement, attacking, and receiving damage. Not even worried about the item right now, just the basics.

2) Create an enemy to attack the MT.

3) Create Healer to follow MT.   Have him check the MT and other party member to see if they need healing, prioritizes them based on need and heal them.

4) Create Ranged DPS to follow MT. Have it attack the closet enemy.

This should keep me busy for a few days at least.  There is a lot to think about, and I'm super excited to get my hands dirty!

Get Guildies

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